Massdrop x Ferrum Forge Gent

Usually when I pull the trigger on a knife purchase it’s only after a great deal of careful deliberation--watching/reading reviews and weighing the knife in question against other competitive options in a similar price range. However, sometimes that all goes out the window when I find a knife that I immediately love the looks and specs of right off the bat, especially when it’s discounted or part of a limited run. That’s what happened with the Ferrum Forge x Massdrop Gent. I got in on the first run after about a day of contemplation because the drop was ending soon and I just had to have one. It took a few months to get to me, but I went into it knowing that. That’s just the cost of doing business when it comes to Massdrop, but in exchange they offer some incredible values. This knife is manufactured by WE Knives out of China who are quite a high end manufacturer--most of their knives sell for around the $250 price point. They have a budget line that uses G10 handles and D2 steel ins...